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What is the 25th frame effect. Technology "25 Frame". Some interesting facts

The twenty-fifth frame was born in the summer of 1957 in New Jersey. His father, a certain James Vikeri, is a researcher of subconscious factors in the semantics of words. He did the following experiment. A second projector was installed in the cinema, which showed the film Picnic, one of the thrillers of that era. Many passages in the film included the words "If you're hungry, eat popcorn and drink Coca-Cola."

The words were projected within 0.0033 seconds (1/300), and could not be consciously noticed due to such a short period of time. Nevertheless, the sale of popcorn, at those sessions in which the second projection device worked, increased by 50%, and Coca-Cola, by 16%. Polls of viewers showed that no one saw anything on the screen, and the purchase of Coca-Cola and popcorn was explained by the fact that "I just want to", etc. reasons. And even if the audience was warned about the experience, the results were still the same. And nobody saw anything. One producer used the same method - to enhance the effect of his horror films, he inserted into these films instant frames with a view of the skull and the word "blood".

The following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The 25th frame is a dangerous thing, because you can show not only "Eat popcorn", but also "go kill".
2. Apparently the command, "Eat popcorn," is more powerful than just the name of the drink, "Coca-Cola."
3. Let's use it (effect 25) for training.

Subsequently, information about these experiments was leaked to the newspapers and these attempts to influence the minds of people without their knowledge caused a flurry of indignation and panic. People were afraid (and are afraid) that someone from the outside can influence their behavior and actions. Journalist Norman Cousinis, in a 1957 article "The Stained Subconscious," reflected on the effect of frame 25 and its influence and significance in people's lives. He also made an assumption about the possibilities of frame 25 to influence not only such trifles as the decision to buy a soft drink, but also more important decisions, such as a riot, political propaganda, etc.

James Vicary is an American businessman, founder and researcher of the 25th frame theory.
Photo: Hank Walker/Time & Life Pictures (Jan 01, 1958)

A little later, the publicist Brian Key joined Kazinis in his concern with his series of books on the possible use of subtidal methods - frame 25 is included in their list. He also said that the psychological effect of frame 25 can be used not only in cinema. Key also said that certain sexual messages can be embedded in drawings and photographs. printed publications. Quote: "These methods are widely used by means mass communication, advertising agencies and public relations agencies, industrial and commercial corporations, and often the federal government itself."

Naturally, such a wave attracted advertisers, the government, scientists and special structures. They suggested repeating and fixing the experiment. But to the surprise of many, the newly organized experiments did not bring the notorious effect. There were several reasons for this fault: technical problems that delayed the experiment, zero audience without unjustified attraction to perform sublittoral commands, etc. As a result, the Advertising Research Foundation demanded an official report on the experiments conducted by Vikeri, but he refused, although he said that there were several thousand participants in the experiments and these experiments lasted more than 6 weeks.


The title of the twenty-fifth frame is very conditional. In a regular movie, 24 frames per second are shown, and if you paste one more, it will be 25. At the beginning, the movie was shown at a speed of 18 frames per second. This was clearly not enough, since flickering was visible, the image "jumped", everything twitched, there was no smoothness, etc. If ads were pasted there, there would be the nineteenth frame, but it would be noticeable. The problem was solved by increasing the number of frames to 24. Television systems use the so-called interlacing mechanism - even lines are shown in the first half of the frame, and odd lines in the second (or vice versa). To display the entire frame, two half-frames must be displayed. The frequency of such full frames for SECAM and PAL systems (common in Europe) - 25 frames per second, for the NTSC system (USA) - 30 frames per second. Therefore, one frame is shown in 1/25 or 1/30 of a second. For monitors, the frame rate is different, interlaced scans are extremely rare. You can see in the settings how many frames per second the monitor you are currently looking at gives out. Usually it is from 60 to 160 Hz (frames per second). One of these frames can be made "twenty-fifth". That is, I want to say that the twenty-fifth frame is just the generally accepted name for this phenomenon, it should not be taken literally.

Vision inertia.

The eye remembers the seen image, and continues to see it after it disappears. This phenomenon is called "inertia of vision". The film projector is designed like this. A propeller with blades rotates between the lens and the film. 24 times per second, he closes the lens, so that at that moment, it would be possible to stretch the film one frame further. Then the blade opens the lens, the frame is displayed on the screen. and so on... While the lens is closed, we continue to see the previous frame. The inertia of vision different people different. This is purely for medical reasons. With the "breed" of man. In some, the retina of the eye can maintain an excited state for a long time, in others it can quickly "dump" the image. For most people, 24 frames is enough to avoid screen flicker. But there are people who see flicker and at such a frequency. As for monitors and TVs, they have one feature. A beam runs along the reverse side of the electron tube, from left to right, and from top to bottom. Tube with reverse side coated with a special substance (phosphor). It glows when the beam hits it. And we, for our part, see a luminous dot on the screen. When the beam leaves, the phosphor does not instantly cease to glow, but slowly goes out. This effect is called "afterglow". Therefore, it is impossible to see a completely black screen between frames.

And yet, what happened?

One of the students in New York (Stuart Rogers) dedicated his essay to the work of Vikeri. He conducted his investigation and found out that the same cinema in the same town could not let so many spectators pass through it in 6 weeks. Moreover, the director of the cinema said that he had not heard about any experiments with 25 frames.

A little later, several experiments were carried out in order to confirm the initial results. For example, in one of the episodes of the popular Sunday program " Close-up”The phrase “Call now!” was broadcast several hundred times, but the number of calls did not increase. Although people did not deny that they wanted to eat and drink during the transmission - as a consequence of the legends about the first experiment.

Later, the founder of frame 25 himself admitted that he did not conduct any experiments, except for those that were needed to register an advertising patent. Those. he officially confessed to cheating. But it was too late - rumors about the terrible frame 25 had already spread around the planet.

Despite the fact that none Scientific research did not prove the psychological effect of the 25th frame, but in many countries advertising using the 25th frame is still prohibited.

Moreover, films are now being made with 48 frames per second, for example, the Hobbit. If films start shooting at 48 fps, doubling the number of frames shown every second (95 fps - 192 fps) will completely get rid of the flickering of the picture noticeable to the human eye.

The 60 fps shooting speed allows cinema goers to experience ultra-smooth images at 240 fps. Thanks to this, 3D movies can be made brighter, as with actual speed shooting at 48 fps or 60 fps, you need to demonstrate each frame fewer times.

When shooting in HFR at 60 fps, the camera sensor captures two and a half times more detail in dynamic scenes that are simply lost at 24 fps. This happens because the shutter is open for less time per frame (2.5 times to be exact). For clarity, see the movement spaceship on video. At 24 fps, you can clearly see how the ship is moving intermittently, and how its wings are blurred (shutter speed 1/24 s). At 60 fps, the picture looks much cleaner, sharper and sharper (shutter speed 1/60 s).


But they have no idea how it works and how it can affect a person.

What is this technology based on?
It is officially accepted that frame 25 is method of influencing the subconscious of a person by inserting hidden information into the video sequence between frames or on one of the frames. It looks like this. Everyone knows that the film consists of shots. A frame is just a picture. In other words, video is a process of rapidly changing pictures. Approximately 21 to 24 pictures change in 1 second, if their number is less, then the video recording effect itself will disappear, the human eye will distinguish the process of changing pictures, which, of course, should not be in the film. If there are 25 frames, then the display time for each will be 0.08 seconds. The most interesting thing is that although we see all the frames, we do not notice the 25th. And, if we are aware of 24 frames, then the 25th bypasses our consciousness and acts directly on the subconscious. That is, in 25th frame you can show anything you want - you won't notice it. But it will be stored in your subconscious.

The history of the 25th frame.

Many years ago, mankind knew that 97% of our mental activity takes place at the subconscious level. And the subconscious not only influences our memory, but also dictates to us what to do. Therefore, scientists of the first half of the 20th century considered its study to be one of the most important areas. To explore the features of the human subconscious with the help of cinema for the first time occurred to the German scientist Frank in 1918. However, insufficient equipment with cinematographic equipment did not allow him to do this, and it was decided to postpone his experiments to a later date. Later they were completely forgotten. The most famous first experiments with applying the 25th frame were performed in 1957 by James Vickery at a New Jersey movie theater. Then, during the screening of the film, the 25th frame showed the words "coca-cola" and "eat popcorn". The experiment showed a brilliant result: the sale of Coca-Cola in the cinema buffet after watching the film increased by 17%, popcorn by 50%. True then, under pressure from the US intelligence agencies, who were also simultaneously engaged in similar experiments, he had to declare that the results of experiments confirming the existence of such an effect on people were fabricated by him. However, the method continued to be used by large monopoly companies, but after a couple of years, a surge of interest in the 25th frame began to fade, as its use became severely limited, and in some states completely prohibited in the areas of commercial and political advertising. How did it work in the early days of research? For implementation actions of the 25th frame should have 2 movie projectors. One of them showed the film in normal mode, but at the moment of changing the 24th frame, the lens was covered with something and rewinding 1 frame back, the other at the same time projects "25th Frame" to the screen.

The 25th frame acquired a "second birth" only with the development of television in the second half of the 20th century. In most programs then, and in fact, as now, television people inserted the 25th frame, and in an hour of broadcast, from 3 to 6 "25 frames" could appear in the program, and their duration reached from 2 to 10 minutes. In the 25th frame itself, the viewer was usually shown various goods and services that were offered to be bought right there. These or those producers often paid a lot of money to the management of TV channels for the opportunity to get into 25th frame at their best time of the day. Thus, prime time airtime was considered the most prestigious - from 18 to 21 hours, when most of the viewers had already returned from work, and longed for brainwashing by the 25th frame. During the 25th frame, the broadcasters often increased the volume of the air so that each viewer could perceive the information without any problems. The image in the 25th frame was distinguished by the brightness of colors, the speed of information supply, and the target orientation. For the filming of 25 frames on television, the most famous directors were invited. However, such careful and complex preparation still did not lead to stealth - the viewer noticed any appearance of the 25th frame in the middle of the transmission and tried to change the channel every time it started 25th frame. The general public began to protest against dominance of the 25th frame on television and called for limiting it in children's programs, news, banning the use of human images in them and limiting the timing of the show from 23 to 7 hours. Finally, a bill was issued limiting the maximum display time of the 25th frame to 4 minutes, including TV announcements.
In fact, to achieve a greater effect, the duration and brightness "25 frames" should, on the contrary, be underestimated in comparison with the main frames of the film. If this is not observed, a person is quite capable of noticing the presence of an “alien” frame. In reality, the 25th frame is not hidden: each frame is marked by the observer's eye, but due to the inertness of vision, it merges with similar ones and is not distinguished by a person. In general, it is not difficult to notice the “extra” advertising frame. You can even read a short word if it is in large print and familiar to the viewer.

25th frame in the XXI century

In the future, with the change in technology, the process naturally improved. And with the use of computer technology, it made it possible to bring the effectiveness of the impact to almost 90%. And most importantly, it was found that for each person, in order to achieve the maximum effect, only their own program is applicable, depending on many components and individual characteristics personality (gender, age, social status, character, mentality, etc.). You need to know the language that the person operates within himself. This explains for the most part the uselessness of numerous programs on CDs for weight loss, alcohol addiction, insomnia, and so on and so forth. Firstly, all these programs are not individual, and secondly, as a rule, they are "concocted on their knees." In addition, about 10-15% of people do not perceive this information at all; their brains are incapable of decoding the signals received in this way. This is probably due to some biological reasons, the essence of which has not yet been fully studied. In general, it should be said that this area of ​​research is now rapidly developing, and in the coming years, society may actually face the problem of subliminal impacts. Psychologists today are seriously concerned about the prospect of the impending era of psychoterrorism. This is due to the intensive development in recent years of methods of hidden mental influence on a person. In the USA alone, more than 140 institutes are engaged in this topic. According to some reports, similar studies are also being carried out in Russia, for example, at the Center for Psychophysiology of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Energy Research and Production Association, the Kvant Research and Production Enterprise, and others.

That, in fact, is all. On the this moment you should not be afraid of the 25th frame, especially since there is a law on holding TV channels and advertising producers accountable for using the “25th frame effect”. However, where it is not prohibited, this effect is widely used, for example, in education and medicine.

Some interesting facts

IN Russian legislation using the 25th frame, as well as other methods of hidden advertising, is prohibited, however, some television companies have been caught several times in using the 25th frame.

The Law of Ukraine "On Television and Radio Broadcasting" prohibits "the use in programs and broadcasts on television and radio of hidden inserts that affect the subconscious of a person and / or have a harmful effect on their health."

Ekaterinburg television company was deprived of its license for 2 months for this shot.

During the parliamentary elections in Ukraine (2006), the head of the election campaign of the Party of Regions, Evgeny Kushnarev, announced the use of the “25th frame” by the Our Ukraine bloc in the propaganda film “Threat. The truth is terrible”, shown on March 10 on the First National Channel. According to him, the image of a skull appears five times in three frames throughout the tape. The Our Ukraine bloc, in turn, denied the accusations through its press service, calling the skull a special effect, reproaching the Party of Regions for inflating pseudo-sensations to divert attention from the compromising facts given in the film. In slow motion, you can see that the image of the skull appeared as a flash when the scenes changed and occupied more than one frame in each case, that is, it was not the 25th frame as such.

25th frame from George W. Bush's video. In 1982, a series of videocassettes was released in the United States, which used the 25th frame with a hidden inscription "Do not steal!". Shoplifting is said to have dropped by almost 50%. George Bush used the effect of the 25th frame (an advertisement for medical reform) in his campaign video. In this video, Democrats were compared to bureaucrats, and on the 25th frame, the word "Rats" was used.

Moscow VNIITR has developed a device that detects, among other things, "foreign and unauthorized information" in a television signal.

In the film "Fight Club", in addition to the explicit moments of using pseudo 25 frames (inserts lasting more than one frame, which the consciousness easily fixes, and they are mentioned in the plot), implicit inserts are also used (which are not mentioned in the plot, lasting per frame) .

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You watch a movie for yourself, you watch smoothly changing pictures of the video sequence, when suddenly BAM! - for no reason, for no reason at all, some incomprehensible picture appears in the frame with an image of something incomprehensible, which you do not really have time to consider. What is it - a corrupted video file, or someone's bad joke? In fact, this is neither the first, nor the second, nor the third (although it somehow resembles a joke). This phenomenon is called the 25th frame, and today almost every person, of course, heard about it, even if they did not delve into the details. We, being exceptionally inquisitive minds, decided to get to the bottom of the truth and figure out what lies under this somewhat mysterious name - “25th frame”.

What is frame 25?

The 25th frame is subliminal, i.e. below the threshold of conscious perception, a message. As a rule, the 25th frame is understood as a non-existent method of influencing the human subconscious with the help of a special insertion into any video sequence of a hidden message in the form of additional frames.

The author of the presented technique is considered to be a man named James Vikeri (we will talk about him later), who later admitted that his experiments, the results of which indicated that the 25th frame affects the human mind, were fabricated. But even today, the use of the 25th frame is prohibited by law in many countries around the world.

How does the 25th frame work?

The essence of the effect of the 25th frame is that human vision distinguishes only 24 frames per second. Based on this, any additional frame that is shown in less than 1/24 of a second, without being fixed by consciousness, immediately falls into the subconscious.

But in reality, any information that enters the brain is always processed by the subconscious, and only after that it enters the consciousness, which processes it and extracts the most important from it. Thanks to this process, huge amounts of data are simply sifted out, and they can be much larger than 1/25 of a second, like, for example, television advertising, to which we are all accustomed. And this suggests that the 25th frame is not as effective as it is commonly thought.

In addition, the 25th frame itself cannot be called hidden, because the viewer’s eye captures all the frames, however, due to the fact that vision is inert, the 25th frame merges with all the others and the person does not seem to see it.

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The 25th frame technology is used to push someone to do something. The psychophysiological basis of the "25th frame" is the mechanisms of suggestion using unconscious stimuli.

The term "frame 25" is not considered scientific and is only used in popular articles. Instead, a more specific and specific one is used - “a subthreshold (subsensory, unconscious) stimulus (stimulus)”.

Psychophysiology, Gershuni and Kostandov, who studied the perception of words briefly displayed on the screen, experimentally confirmed the possibility of unconscious perception and discovered a special class of so-called "subsensory" (subthreshold) conditioned reflexes.

For example, Kostandov conducted the following experiment. A group of subjects was briefly exposed to the inscription on the screen: "hot". At exposures of less than one millisecond, the subjects did not perceive the information in any way. Note: 1 second is equal to 1000 milliseconds.

When the exposure was increased to 10 milliseconds, the subjects did not notice the word “hot” displayed on the screen, but subjectively felt that they became hot. When the exposure was increased to 100 milliseconds, the subjects could read the word "hot" on the screen, but they did not feel that they were hot.

Thus, it was found that between the physiological threshold of perception (less than one millisecond) and the threshold of consciousness (100 milliseconds) there is a subthreshold zone of perception (subsensory zone of perception), where information is perceived by a person, bypassing consciousness.

It became possible to see the 25th frame on the TV screen only with the appearance in 2002 of a special computer program. It was then that the Euro-Ministry for Information and Press of Russia let it slip that 25th frame technology is used in every program and every commercial.

The technology for forming a television image on the screen is based on the frequency of a standard electrical network- 50 Hertz (50 times per second). The footage is a temporal sequence of half-frames at a rate of 50 fields per second (ie 25 frames per second). The demonstration of two half-frames that form a full frame of the image on the screen, lasting up to 40 milliseconds, is below the threshold of consciousness, falling into this subthreshold zone.

With the help of this technology, attitudes are introduced into the subconscious, for example, to suppress the will, to have a positive attitude towards candidates in elections and to the elections themselves.

Feeling worse after watching TV.

It has been observed how an unthinking one-year-old child, carefree and not paying any attention to the environment, playing with the TV turned on, suddenly began to look at the screen with an unblinking fascinated gaze every time an advertisement was shown.

University of Minnesota researchers say high school and middle school students who sit in front of television for a long time are more likely to develop a junk food addiction in the future.

They observed 2,000 middle and middle school students and concluded that the amount of time they watched daily was directly related to children's eating habits.

So, those who sat in front of the TV for at least 5 hours a day ate less fruits, vegetables, whole grains and foods high in calcium. More common in their diet different kind snacks, fried foods rich in trans fats and carbonated drinks.

Any program can be embedded with frames that cause an attraction to alcohol, drugs or form a positive attitude towards scammers.

Anna Lyubimova

Watching a movie or a TV show, we succumb to frame 25. At least that's what many experts say. This phenomenon means the influence on the subconscious of a person, the laying of attitudes. Such a tool can become a powerful weapon of influence, which is used for good purposes or propaganda of negative deeds. A person does not perceive the image that appears, but deposits the data in the subconscious. A lot of myths and real facts have been collected around the phenomenon. What is effect 25 frame? Is this fiction or reality?

It has been established that a person consciously captures and perceives 24 frames in one second of time. True, this parameter depends on the clarity of the picture and the speed of the image on the screen. Therefore, an additional frame shown during this period of time is perceived exclusively by the subconscious.

What is the 25 frame effect? This is a video technology, which is usually used to prevent the glow from the equipment from entering the screen. Two types of techniques are used to produce the effect. The film projector is designed in such a way that after the issuance of frames it is closed with a shutter or obturator. In the resulting pause, frame 25 is displayed on the screen. This requires another projector that reproduces necessary information. In this case, the conditions are met. But how to see frame 25 in movies?

A person consciously captures and perceives 24 frames in one second of time

The image of the 25th frame should be lighter than the rest of the frames of the film, broadcast or cartoon being broadcast. Plus, the duration of the image is selected. It should be shorter in time than the main frames. Otherwise, the information is read by consciousness, and does not go into the subconscious.

As you can see, this process is difficult to implement. That's why skeptics and reject the existence of the 25 frame phenomenon and its impact on people. In order not to get lost in conjectures, check the presence of the phenomenon yourself. To do this, you will need computer equipment and a standard video editing program. The inserted image or word is viewed and read, the person's vision is not turned off, he fixes the information, but does not attach meaning to it. If it is not entirely clear how this happens, then imagine a noisy room where a lot of people are having a conversation. It is impossible to make out the words of an individual person, but the crying of a child is heard in this scale.

The history of the appearance of frame 25

For the first time, James Vikeri spoke about this phenomenon. He provided the public with the conclusions that he made according to his own observations. To do this, the businessman conducted an experiment in one of the US cinemas. During the summer season, James showcased the popular tape, inserting images of cola and popcorn between regular shots.

According to the businessman, the marketing ploy worked: sales of carbonated drink and corn doubled. Vaikeri patented the discovery and opened a company that provides services for adding 25 frames of product advertisements to movies.

Skeptics reject the existence of the 25 frame phenomenon and its impact on people

Naturally, such an event caused an explosion in the world. After all, we are talking about influencing the consciousness of a person and inclining him to purchase certain goods. Government officials and media representatives requested repeated experiments. James did research, but the data presented above turned out to be a "duck". None of the people who watched the film succumbed to the propaganda, there was no increase in purchases. Interestingly, when asked to provide previous data and figures, Vaikeri refused.

The story of the appearance of frame 25 makes it clear that the phenomenon is caused artificially and has a specific task, namely the creation of a business and making money selling services

Much later, frame 25 began to be perceived as a threat to children and adults.

So what is behind this phenomenon? Is this fiction or reality? Is there a 25 frame in a video ad? Here are some well-known facts to answer these questions:

  1. The Psychological Fellowship of America has done its own research. Based on observations of people, psychologists concluded that the 25th frame does not have the effect James claims on a person. Official rebuttal issued in 1958.
  2. A student from New York, Rogers, researching frame 25, went to the cinema where the research was being carried out. In New Jersey, amazing discoveries awaited the guy. The director assured that such experiments had never been carried out within the walls of the cinema. Seeing the area of ​​the halls and the number of screenings, the student realized that the declared number of subjects would not fit in one season in the cinema.
  3. 5 years after the experiments, the businessman made a confession. He claimed that no research had been done and that all the data had been fabricated.
  4. Since interest in frame 25 has not faded, research continues to this day. Dutch scientists confirm its impact on the subconscious of people. To do this, hidden advertising must be designed in the form of jumping alphabetic or numeric values. Plus, scientists have deduced a different exposure time. To get the effect 25 frame must exceed 1/25 sec.
  5. The Russian media exploded with information about frame 25 in the 90s. Journalists claimed that with the help of this technology propaganda and zombies are being carried out among the population. People were persuaded to learn foreign languages ​​by buying videocassettes. Whether this was actually unknown. But, in 2006, the authorities passed a bill prohibiting the use of frame 25 in audio, radio, video products, through the TV screen and cinemas.

Surprisingly, people, understanding the impact of the 25th frame on the subconscious, consciously acquire courses with its recording. The effect of 25 frames for weight loss is especially popular. There are many positive and negative reviews online.

How does such a technique work? Slimming with 25 frames is a video, with words, pictures, images. The course is set on a computer and viewed daily for 30 minutes a day. The developers of the program recommends taking a break for a month, then repeating the course again. To improve the result, you should pronounce phrases from the video before bed. That's it, you don't need to do anything else. Just expect to go from plump to slender goddess.

It's amazing that people believe that you can lose weight from watching a video. Why it happens? Well-known weight loss programs involve serious work associated with physical activity.

Losing weight with 25 frames is an easy way, while the programs do not cost big money. So why not try? Moreover, there are positive reviews about the use of the program.

Before deciding to buy this course, think about whether you are sure that the program will not cause harm. What other suggestions can be written under the topic of losing weight? Plus, keep in mind that positive reviews about the program are simply not true, which are written by fake people. Although the effect of the program is possible due to the action of another little-studied phenomenon -: believing in the effectiveness of the program, some people actually lose 2-3 kg.

The effect of 25 frames in cartoons

The question of the presence of frame 25 in programs for children and cartoons has been repeatedly raised by child psychologists. Caring people created a video proving the presence of an extra frame and influence on children.

Many parents have wondered if there are 25 frames in Disney cartoons. Disney cartoons especially got it. The harsh actions of the heroes of the cartoon Shrek were discussed, in particular, the video talked about the substitution of concepts: cruel and aggressive actions were hidden behind the positive hero. For example, Princess Fiona kills a bird, and Shrek inflates a frog. Over time, the noise around children's programs decreased, and cartoons were not banned.

Nevertheless, it is worth asking the question: why is the 25th frame in cartoons dangerous? Perhaps parents are raising a panic in vain ... But while we do not have a definite answer, we advise you to be careful when choosing programs for your child. Young children take what is happening in the frame literally and apply what they see in real life. The child is usually not able to distinguish good from bad, because there is no accumulated experience behind him. Children under 6 years of age are especially susceptible to the influence of what they see on the screen.

It is not completely known whether 25 frames are used in cartoons

Show children cartoons according to their age. Start with pictures for the little ones. Choose cartoons recommended and tested by psychologists. Plus, take into account the time that the child spends watching TV: limit it to 30-60 minutes. in a day.

Despite the official statement of the person who opened frame 25 about the juggling of facts, it continues to be studied and applied. Courses are issued to study in English, Frame 25 is inserted into a political advertisement, used to attract children's attention. The real impact has not been proven, since the information is read by the subconscious, which works individually for each person.

March 17, 2014, 02:41 pm