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Satires A.D. Cantemir. Issues, style (analysis of one satire of your choice). Cantemir of satire

Antioch Dmitrievich Kantemir (1708-1744), a prince, a brilliantly educated man who impressed his contemporaries with his extensive knowledge. He knew modern and ancient foreign languages, foreign literature (ancient, Italian, French, English and Spanish). In addition, interest in the natural sciences and philosophy. His father is a historian and author of The Ottoman Empire. Antioch Cantemir became, according to Belinsky, "the first secular poet in Russia." A staunch defender of the cause of Peter I, after the death of the sovereign, he joins Feofan Prokopovich's "scientific team" in the struggle for progress and enlightenment. Communication with Prokopovich is reflected in the satires of Cantemir (the technique of syllabic verse!).

As a poet-citizen, Cantemir cannot remain indifferent, seeing the vices and shortcomings of society. That's why he writes satires. For his writings, he is not loved in court circles, because of them he did not become president of the Academy of Sciences. The satirist writer was out of place. He was “sent” as a resident, first to London in 1732, later to Paris in 1738. He behaves like a brilliant diplomat, does a lot of useful things (everyone thinks that in Russia everyone is like him - smart, educated, advanced). He dies, never being able to return to his homeland.

So, actually, about satires. He himself defines the genre of satire as "such an essay, which, ridiculing malevolence with a funny style, tries to correct human morals." The first five satires were written in Russia in the period 1729-1732, they were repeatedly rewritten and corrected by him. This “On those who blaspheme the teachings. To your mind", “To the envy and pride of the malevolent nobles. Filaret and Eugene", “On the difference of human passions. To the Archbishop of Novgorod”, “On the danger of satirical writings. To his muse”, “On human malice in general. Satir and Pernerg ”(I highlight those from the list of literature). The remaining 4 he wrote abroad at different times, among them “About education. To Prince Nikita Yuryevich Trubetskoy. Tatarinova believes that it is wrong to divide Kantemir's work into Russian (topical topics) and non-Russian (abstract moralizing) periods. In particular, because his first satire K. rewrote abroad. For example, only in the final version of Filaret and Eugene does the motif of the equality of all classes and the injustice and cruelty of serfdom appear. To make you feel:

“... The same in free

And blood flows in the cholopies, the same flesh, the same bones ... "

All satires have a double title: the first part is “To ...” (to whom it is addressed), the second part reveals the meaning. Satire begins with an appeal, then a gallery of satirical portraits, images. In conclusion, the author's reasoning.

The language is simple, K. wanted to be understood. Vernaculars, proverbs, sayings (I remember: “Cover your head with a hood, beard with a beard)). Portrait painting, domestic scenes. Influence of folklore. Appeal to real people. Belinsky wrote that K. "by some happy instinct brought poetry to life" (an appeal to reality).

As I said something earlier, the main idea of ​​the satire "Filaret and Eugene" is the equality of all people. There is a dialogue between Eugene, a nobleman, and Filaret, "a lover of virtue." Eugene says that his family comes almost from Princess Olga, and therefore he is cool, and Filaret - “Adam did not give birth to nobles”, peace to you, brothers and sisters, etc.

It was too lazy to re-read the satire “On Education”, the pleasure is doubtful, the meaning is that the author is crucifying that who he is, they say, such (“I have not yet seen the return of winter in my thirtieth, not a single blackish hair on my head turns gray”), so that to teach the old, the wise by experience. By the way, he runs into the fact that they pray, fast (!) And do not sleep with his wife. In fact, of course, he means that you need to be progressive and listen to Peter, and not those who “could save a little three teeth behind their lips”, “who remembers the pestilence in Moscow” ...

Let Tatarinova speak about the satire “On those who blaspheme the teachings ...”: “The satire was of a pronounced anti-clerical character and was directed against the party of churchmen who were striving to re-establish the patriarchate and pre-Petrine orders. She also sharply denounced the reactionary nobility. K. defended the sciences, education ... He believed that state progress and the correction of morals depend on education. The main enemies of science there are the hypocrite Crito, who grumbles that the children began to read the Bible themselves, and not listen to the churchmen, the nobleman Selivan, the ignoramus who believes that science interferes with earning money, the reveler Luke and the dandy Medor (science is a hindrance, Seneca, Virgil, Cicero - in the furnace, it is better to buy trump boots and a caftan). There are also ignorant military men and many others, but these are the main ones.

In total Cantemir wrote 9 satires. They are divided into 2 groups: 5 satires written in 1729-31, before leaving abroad, and 4 satires of the foreign cycle (1738-39).

The compositional construction of all satires of Cantemir is uniform. First comes the introduction, which most often represents an appeal, for example: “To your mind”, “To Feofan”, “To the sun”, “To your muse”. Further, without any logical connection, he proceeds to create satirical portraits. Hence the typical for Cantemir double titles of satires: the first determines the appeal, the second refers to the sign on which the satirical portraits are selected.

Program are 1 and 2 satires.

“To your mind. On those who blaspheme the teaching."

Cantemir speaks to his mind, so that the mind does not impel the hand to work, since in this age it is very difficult to achieve fame by literary work. Further, Cantemir displays a whole gallery of ignoramuses from different classes.

Criton - clergy representative. He grumbles and sighs because the sciences lead to heresy and godlessness:

The schisms and heresies of science are children,

More lies, who were given more understanding.

Whoever melts over books comes to godlessness,

Crito with a rosary in his hands grumbles and sighs

And asks, holy soul, with bitter tears

See how the seed of sciences is harmful between us...

Sylvan- landowner; he who complains that the sciences prevent the people who feed him from doing manual labor:

Silvanus finds another fault for the sciences:

“Learning,” he says, “leads hunger to us”;

We lived before this, not knowing Latin,

Much more abundant than we live now,

Much in ignorance reaped more bread,

Having adopted a foreign language, they lost their bread ... ".

Luke- a drunkard and a reveler who takes up arms against the sciences, as they destroy a cheerful company:

Ruddy, burping three times, Luka sings along:

“Science destroys the commonwealth of people;

People, we have become a creature of God to the community,

Not in our favor, one sense of the gift was accepted ...

Wine is a divine gift, there is a lot of agility in it:

Makes people friends, gives a reason to talk,

Cheers, takes away all heavy thoughts,

Poverty knows how to relieve, encourages the weak ... "

In the gallery of the ignorant and the dandy Medor. He complains that the paper he needs for curlers to make a curly haircut is spent on books:

Medor grieve that too much paper comes

To the letter, to the printing of books, but it comes to him,

That there is nothing to wrap curled curls in;

He will not change a pound of powder for Seneca.

Virgil is not worth two money in front of Yegor,

Rex, not Cicero, deserves praise.

In the final part, the satirist moves from exposing the bearers of individual vices to exposing the depravity of the whole society. The outward appearance of a person or his activities may often seem significant, but behind them lies an inner emptiness and depravity. External brilliance often hides inner emptiness, spiritual poverty and inertia:

If you want to be a bishop, put your cassock on,

Above that body with pride striped riza

Let him cover: hang a chain around your neck from gold,

Cover your head with a hood, your belly with a beard,

The stick was magnificently led to carry in front of him ...

Cantemir's first satire was popular among the progressive people of the time and quickly circulated in lists, anonymously at first. The satire was very topical, and the conditionally mythological names of the characters could not but be recognizable.

The second satire Filaret and Eugene "is addressed" to the envy and pride of the malevolent nobles. This satire, among others, has a peculiar composition: it is written in the form of a dialogue between the spokesman for the author's position Filaret (philanthropist) and the nobleman Eugene (noble).

Eugene puts on airs with the nobility of his kind, considers himself superior to those around him because of his noble origin. His personal merit is negligible. Filaret notes that there is a big difference between the concepts of being a descendant of noble ancestors or being noble yourself. True nobility is in the affairs of man. What about Eugene? Did he endure military labors? Was he an impartial judge? Did he lighten the heavy taxes of the people? No. And Filaret proves to Eugene that there is no true nobility in him.

Kantemir for the first time in Russian literature criticizes the nobleman Yevgeny as a ruthless landowner, a feudal exploiter. This satire opens the anti-serfdom theme in Russian literature. Filaret characterizes Eugene as he really was. Eugene - "a stone soul", laughs at poverty, for a small fault - unheated wine, severely beats a footman. He is greedy, he is accustomed to luxury, although his luxurious life is based on the cruel exploitation of the peasants. It means nothing to him to put on a costume that costs an entire village.

Thus, Cantemir put forward the thesis of "natural equality of people." Note that he did not talk about social equality; his criticism of social injustice was limited to a moral and ethical plan, and not a social one. But even this was very important at the beginning of the 18th century, when serfs were not considered people at all. Cantemir said that all estates came from Adam, and Adam did not give birth to nobles.

In his satires, Cantemir set the task not so much to show reality as his angry and bitter thoughts about people. Cantemir created a number of vivid characters-images and paintings-sketches. His satires are written in a language with almost no admixture of Church Slavonic elements.

During his lifetime, the works of Cantemir were not published, satires were distributed only in manuscripts. They were published earlier in the West than in Russia. In 1749, the satires were published in London, the circulation sold out instantly, and a reprint was published a year later. In 1751 satires were published in Berlin on German, and only in 1762 they were printed in Russia.

Thus, Cantemir became the founder of classicism in Russian literature and the founder of the most vital satirical direction in it. He developed the genre of satire in literature, was the first to touch on the topic of the natural equality of people, and was the first to demand from the landowners humane treatment of the peasants.

About the satirical work of Antioch Kantemir, the famous Russian philologist and critic of the 19th century V.G. Belinsky said: Cantemir, with his satyrs, erected for himself a small, modest, but nevertheless immortal monument in Russian literature.».


Mind immature, the fruit of short-lived science!
Rest in peace, do not force my hands to pen:
Without writing the flying days of the century spend
It is possible, and to get fame, even if you are not known as a creator.
Many paths that are not difficult in our age lead to it,
On which the brave will not stumble;
The most unpleasant of all is the one that the barefooted cursed
Nine sisters. Many have lost their strength on it,
Did not reach; you need to sweat and languish on it,
And in those labors, everyone alienates you like a pestilence,
Laughs, sneers. Who bends over the table
Staring at the book of the eye, big will not achieve
Chambers, nor is the garden adorned with marbles;
He will not add a sheep to his father's flock.

True, there is hope in our young monarch
A lot of muses rise; ignoramus with shame
Runs him. Apollin glory in him protection
I didn’t feel my weakness, honoring my retinue
I saw him himself, and in everything plentifully
He tries hard to multiply the inhabitants of Parnassus.
But that trouble: many in the king praise
For fear is that which in the subject is impudently condemned.
“Splits and heresies of science are children;
More lies, who were given more understanding;
Whoever melts over a book comes to godlessness, -
Crito with a rosary in his hands grumbles and sighs,
And asks, holy soul, with bitter tears
See how the seed of sciences is harmful between us;
Our children, before that, are quiet and submissive,
The forefathers followed the nimble to God's
Service, listening with fear that they themselves did not know,
Now, to the church of temptation, the bible has become an honor;
They interpret everything, they want to know the reason, the reason,
Giving little faith to the sacred rank;
Lost good temper, forgot to drink kvass,
You will not beat them with a stick to salted meat;
They no longer light candles, they don’t know fasting days;
Worldly power in the hands of the church is too much tea,
Whispering that by the fact that worldly life is already lagging behind,
Estates and patrimonies did not stick very well.

Silvan finds another fault for the sciences.
“Teaching,” he says, “makes us hungry;
We lived before this, not knowing Latin,
Much more abundant than we live now;
Much in ignorance more bread was reaped;
Having adopted a foreign language, they lost their bread.
If my speech is weak, if there is no rank in it,
No connection - should a nobleman grieve about it?
Argument, order in words - vile, that is, the deed,
The nobles fully confirm or boldly deny.
Crazy who soul strength and limits
Will test; who languishes in sweat for whole days,
To find out the change in the order of the world and things
Or the reason - stupidly he molds peas into the wall.
Will it grow to me from that day to life, or in a box
Although a penny? can I find out through that that the clerk,
What does a butler steal a year? how to add water
To my pond? how barrels number from the winery?
No smarter, who's eyes are full of anxiety,
Smokes, baking with fire, to find out the properties of ores,
After all, it’s not now that we repeat that beeches, that lead -
You can know the difference between gold, silver, copper.
Herbs, diseases, knowledge - all the goals are lies;
If the head hurts - the doctor is looking for signs in his hand;
Everything in us is guilty of blood, if he had faith
You want to give. Are we weakening - the blood is quiet excessively
flowing; if in a hurry - heat in the body; answer boldly
Gives, although inside no one saw a living body.

In the meantime, he spends time in such fables,
The best juice from our bag is included in it.
Why count the stars for reckoning, and to no purpose,
By the way, for one night you can’t sleep whole as a stain,
Behind curiosity alone lose peace,
Searching, is the sun moving, or are we with the earth?
In the chapel you can honor every day of the year
Day of the month and hour of sunrise.
Dividing the earth into quarters is understandable without Euclid,
How many kopecks in a ruble - we can count without algebra.
Silvanus praises only knowledge:
What teaches to multiply income and expenses malit;
To work in something from which suddenly the pocket does not get fat,
Citizenship is very harmful to call madness.
Ruddy, burping three times, Luka sings along:
“Science destroys the commonwealth of people;
People, we have become a creature of God to the community,
Not in our favor, one sense of the gift was accepted.
What is the use of another when I shut up
In the closet, for dead friends - I'll lose the living,
When the whole community, all my gang
Will there be ink, pen, sand and paper?
In fun, in feasts, we must spend our lives:
And so it is short-lived - what to while away,
Crash over a book and damage your eyes?
Isn't it better to skip days and nights with a cup?
Wine is a divine gift, there is a lot of agility in it:
Makes people friends, gives a reason to talk,
Cheers, takes away all heavy thoughts,
Poverty knows to relieve, encourages the weak,
Softens the hearts of the cruel, dispels sullenness,
It is easier for a lover to reach his goal with wine.
When they begin to lead the reins across the sky,
And from the surface of the earth the stars will already glimpse,
When swift rivers flow to their springs
And the past centuries will return,
When in fasting, the black one will become a vyazig, -
Then, leaving the glass, I will take up the book.
Medor grieve that too much paper comes
To the letter, to the printing of books, but it comes to him,
That there is nothing to wrap curled curls in;
He will not change a pound of good powder for Seneca;
Before Yegor two money Virgil is not worth it;
Rex - not Cicero - deserves praise.
Here are some of the speeches that ring in my ears every day;
That's what I'm for
I advise. When there is no benefit, encourages
Praise be to labors, without that the heart desponds.
How much more, instead of praise and blasphemy, endure!
It is more difficult, if a drunkard does not have wine,
Why not praise the priest for a holy week,
Nezhli merchant to drink beer is not three pounds of hops.
I know that you can, mind, boldly present to me,
That it is difficult for a malevolent virtue to glorify,
That a dandy, a miser, a hypocrite and such are similar
Science should be blasphemed, but their speeches are vicious
Smart people are not tired, you can spit on them;
Fine, praised is your court; so it should be
Yes, in our age of evil, words are clever.
And besides, not only those sciences have
Unfriends whom I, for brevity,
I calculated or, to tell the truth, I could exhaust boldly.
Is that enough? Heavenly gates the keys of the saints,
And Themis entrusted the golden weights to them,
Little love, almost all, I will decorate the truth.
If you want to be a bishop, put on your cassock,
Above that body with pride striped riza
Let him cover; hang a chain around your neck from gold,
Cover your head with a hood, belly with a beard,
Kluka was magnificently led to carry before you;
Swollen in the carriage when the heart is angry
Cracks, bless everyone right and left.
Everyone should know you as an archpastor in these
Signs, reverently call the father.
What's in science? what good will the church do with it?
Another, writing a sermon, will forget the excerpt,
Why income harm; and in them the churches are right
The best are founded, and the whole church is the glory.
Do you want to become a judge - lift a peruk with knots,
Scold the one who asks with empty hands,
Let the poor heart firmly despises tears,
Sleep on a chair when the clerk reads the statement.
If someone remembers the civil regulations for you,
Or natural law, or people's rights -
Spit in his face, tell him that he's lying
Imposing that unbearable burden on the judges,
That clerks should climb paper mountains,
And it is enough for the judge to know to fasten sentences.
We have not reached the time in which she chaired
Over all, wisdom and crowns shared one,
Being one's way to a higher sunrise.
The golden age did not reach our generation;
Pride, laziness, wealth - wisdom prevailed,
Science ignorance has already settled in places,
Under the miter is proud of what embroidered dress walks,
He judges for the red cloth, boldly leads the shelves.
Science is tattered, sheathed in rags,
From almost all the houses with a curse shot down;
They don’t want to know her, her friendship is running away,
Like, suffering at sea, ship service.
Everyone is shouting: “We don’t see any fruit from science,
Even if the head is full of scientists, the hands are empty.
If someone interferes with cards, he knows the taste of different wines,
Dancing, playing three songs on a pipe,
He thinks skillfully to tidy flowers in his dress,
That's why even in the youngest years
Any higher degree - the bribe is already small,
Seven wise men crumples themselves worthy.
“There is no truth in people,” cries the brainless churchman,
I'm not a bishop yet, but I know a watchmaker,
The Psalter and epistles fluently know how to honor,
I won’t stumble in Chrysostom, even though I don’t understand.
The warrior grumbles that he does not own his regiment,
When he knows how to sign his name.
The scribe grieve, behind the cloth that does not sit red,
Making sense of the matter, write it off in a clear letter.
It's a shame to be yourself, thinks, in ignorance of growing old,
Who in the family of seven boyars happened to have
And he considers two thousand yards behind him,
Although in other matters he does not know how to read or write.
Such are hearing words and seeing examples,
Be silent, mind, do not be bored, sitting in obscurity.
That life is fearless, though it is hard to imagine,
Who lurks silently in his quiet corner;
If all-good wisdom let you know,
Cheer up secretly yourself, reasoning within yourself
the benefit of the sciences; do not seek, explaining the thuja,
Instead of the praises that you are waiting for, get the evil blasphemy.

This satire, the first experience of the poet in this kind of verse, was written at the end of 1729, in the twentieth year of his age. He scoffs at her ignoramuses and despisers of the sciences, for which he was inscribed "On those who blaspheme the teachings." He wrote it for the sole purpose of spending his time, not intending to make it public; but on occasion, one of his friends, having asked to read it, informed Feofan, the archbishop of Novgorod, who scattered it everywhere with praises to the poet and, being not pleased with it, returning it, attached verses laudable to the writer and sent him as a gift the book “Giraldius about the gods and poets." Following this archpastor, Archimandrite Rabbit inscribed many verses in praise of the creator (which, together with the Feofanovs, are attached at the beginning of the book), which encouraged him, began to further diligently compose satires.

Satires of Cantemir. The value of satirical lyrics in Russian classicism.
Prince Antioch Dmitrievich Kantemir (1708-1744) was a brilliantly educated man who impressed his contemporaries with his extensive knowledge. He knew modern and ancient foreign languages, foreign literature (ancient, Italian, French, English and Spanish). In addition, interest in the natural sciences and philosophy. His father is a historian and author of The Ottoman Empire. Antioch Cantemir became, according to Belinsky, "the first secular poet in Russia." A staunch defender of the cause of Peter I, after the death of the sovereign, he joins Feofan Prokopovich's "scientific team" in the struggle for progress and enlightenment. Communication with Prokopovich is reflected in the satires of Cantemir (the technique of syllabic verse!).
As a poet-citizen, Cantemir cannot remain indifferent, seeing the vices and shortcomings of society. That's why he writes satires. Satires have a double name (one part is an appeal to someone, and the other explains the content). Before A.K. no one wrote poetic satire.
Reforms then went downhill, education began to tire. What he saw and experienced was reflected in his work (satire).
1729 - the first satire "On those who blaspheme the doctrine. To his mind "Satire" ridiculing malevolence with a funny style, tries to get rid of negative sides life" - gov. Cantemir himself. Through one of the heroes of A.K. says that the purpose of life is pleasure - and it should be lived with a goblet, and not with a book. However, he wants to show the opposite by this, he does not condemn his characters, but takes their thoughts to the extreme, and then begins to tell how things are: “... the Golden Age did not reach our family; Pride, laziness, wealth - wisdom has overcome ... ”and says:“ If all-good wisdom has let you know, Cheer up secretly yourself, arguing in yourself the Benefit of sciences; do not seek, explaining the thuja, Instead of the praises that you are waiting for, get the evil blasphemy. Let Tatarinova speak about the satire “On those who blaspheme the teachings ...”: “The satire was of a pronounced anti-clerical character and was directed against the party of churchmen who were striving to re-establish the patriarchate and pre-Petrine orders. She also sharply denounced the reactionary nobility. K. advocated the sciences, education ... He believed that state progress and the correction of morals depend on education. The main enemies of science there are the hypocrite Crito, who grumbles that the children began to read the Bible themselves, and not listen to the churchmen, the nobleman Selivan, the ignoramus who believes that science interferes with making money, the reveler Luke and the dandy Medor (science is a hindrance, Seneca, Virgil, Cicero - in the furnace, it is better to buy trump boots and a caftan). There are also ignorant military men and many others, but these are the main ones.
The second satire by A.K. “To the envy and pride of the malevolent nobles. Filaret and Eugene. It is in the form of a dialogue: first, Filaret (“lover of virtue”) asks Eugene (“noble”) why he is sad, to which Eugene replies that they give ranks to people from an humble family, but not to him, although the merits of ancestors are enormous, and even during the reign of Olga, the ancestors were respected. Filaret tells him that noble is not the one whose ancestors are noble, but the one who himself deserves respect by his deeds. He also says: “The best path was chosen by the one who always began to speak the truth, But even who is silent about the truth, he did not become guilty, Bude will not dare to conceal the truth with a lie,” he speaks of people who deserve ranks: “True, to the kingdom of Olgino of their ancestors they didn’t know, Grandfathers were not Duma and viceroy, And they can’t reckon with the nobility with old age; so what? After all, they themselves Begin a noble family, as Your ancestors began your family ... Adam did not give birth to nobles, but one of two children dug His garden, the other grazed a bleating herd. Noah in the ark with him saved all his equals Simple farmers, only glorious in morals; From them we all completely went, one early Leaving a pipe, a plow; the other is later. (late 1729-early 1730; 1743)
For his writings, he is not loved in court circles, because of them he did not become president of the Academy of Sciences. Cantemir pinned all his hopes on the monarchical power and counted very little on the independent initiative of the clergy and nobility, in whose mood he saw a clear dislike or even hatred for enlightenment. In his most powerful satires, he takes up arms against the "malicious nobles" and against the ignorant representatives of the church. When, during the accession of Empress Anna Ioannovna, it came to granting political rights to the nobility (gentry), Kantemir strongly spoke out in favor of maintaining the state system established by Peter the Great, on January 1, 1732, Kantemir went abroad to take up the post of Russian resident in London. He no longer took part in the internal political life of Russia, being initially (until 1738) the representative of Russia in London, and then in Paris, where he became close to the leading enlighteners of that time. He behaves like a brilliant diplomat, does a lot of useful things (everyone thinks that in Russia everyone is like him - smart, educated, advanced). He dies, never being able to return to his homeland.

Belinsky: “K.'s satires were exactly what they needed then and could be useful; the first satire - "On those who blaspheme the teaching" is especially rich in funny features and true pictures from the society of that time. Satire saved K. to a large extent from the abstractness inherent in classicism. B. was right when he argued that “since the time of K. the satirical trend has become a living stream of all Russian literature” and that thanks, perhaps, to the merit of literature alone, we do not dare to call evil good, and covetousness and embezzlement were not titled good intentions, as it has always been and is now done. As a true humanist, K. in his satire stated: "Adam did not give birth to nobles", "a rich man and a beggar with a bag ..., a plowman and a nobleman are equal in court."

His most famous 9 satyrs. “On those who blaspheme the teachings. To his own mind "(against the clergy, striving to establish pre-Petrine orders, in defense of enlightenment. "He comes into atheism, who melts over a book," Crito, with a rosary in his hands, grumbles and sighs ";" Silvan finds another fault for the sciences: "Teaching, - says, - it makes us hungry ";" Ruddy, burping three times, Luka sings along: "Science destroys the commonwealth of people"; curls "; "What's in science? What good will the church do from it? Others, food, preaching, they will forget the excerpt, Why harm the income"; Sheathed in rags, Out of almost all the houses, knocked down with a curse, They don’t want to know her, her friendships flee, Like, suffering at sea, ship service. Everyone shouts: we don’t see any fruit from science; Although the head is full of scientists, the hands are empty. (1729) - the first. In total, before leaving, 5 were written. (“To the envy and pride of the malevolent nobles. Filaret and Eugene” (Natural equality of all people and estates - a noble must justify his origin with merit, anti-serfdom. Trends. Satire is built in the form of a dialogue. F. - loving virtue , E. - noble Content: E. and F. F. meet, asks “Why is he so confused, my friend?” To which E. replies that he has noble roots, but no one notices this, they do not respect him properly. Then F. tells him that you know how to manage the ship? No! The servant has the same body as his, and he treats him disgustingly. "The difference is to be a descendant of noble ancestors Or to be noble." "Have you lightened the heavy taxes of the people? Have you attached anything to the royal income?" says: “Adam did not give birth to nobles, but one of his two children dug his garden, the other pastured bleating herd. Noah in the ark with him saved all his equals Simple farmers, only glorious in morals, From them we all completely went, one early Leaving a pipe, a plow; another later”), “On the difference of human passions. To the Archbishop of Novgorod”, “To his muse”, “On human malice in general. Satyr and Prenerg") - (1729-1732), then another 4. ("On true bliss", "On education. To Prince Nikita Yuryevich Trubetskoy" (1739) ("what is their childhood Passing - rarely comes to mind two or three ";" He saved up wealth for his son, despised the morals of Good to plant in his heart. The son will be rich, but without glory ”; “The main thing in education is the matter, So that the heart, having expelled the passions, matured In good morals, affirm, so that through this your Son is useful to the Fatherland among people And is always desirable: to this all sciences, the End and arts must all give hands”; “Virtue therefore over everything is irrevocable It is necessary to inspire a baby until it is completely rooted; besides, to refine the mind in decent by Him and other knowledge. So in children worthy of all ranks, you will give the fatherland a gift of great value”), “For shameless insolence”, “For the state of this world. To the sun".
All satires have a double title and are all built on the same principle: satire begins with an appeal, then a satire. portraits, cat. reveal the essence of the title and the main idea of ​​the author. Conclusion - the author's point of view. In K.'s satires there are everyday genre scenes. There are few Slavicisms in the language, many proverbs and sayings. But the verse of the satyr does not match. New content.

Satires of Cantemir. "To my mind."
Antioch Dmitrievich Kantemir (1708-1744), prince,

So, actually, about satires. He himself defines the genre of satire as "such an essay, which, ridiculing malevolence with a funny style, tries to correct human morals." The first five satires were written in Russia in the period 1729-1732, they were repeatedly rewritten and corrected by him. This is “On those who blaspheme the teachings. To your mind”, “To the envy and pride of the malevolent nobles. Filaret and Eugene", "On the difference between human passions. To the Archbishop of Novgorod”, “On the danger of satirical writings. To his muse”, “On human malice in general. Satir and Pernerg ”(I highlight those from the list of literature). The remaining 4 he wrote abroad at different times, among them “On Education. To Prince Nikita Yuryevich Trubetskoy. Tatarinova believes that it is WRONG to divide Kantemir's work into Russian (topical topics) and non-Russian (abstract moralizing) periods. In particular, because his first satire K. rewrote abroad. For example, only in the final version of Filaret and Eugene does the motif of the equality of all classes and the injustice and cruelty of serfdom appear. To make you feel:
“... The same in free
And blood flows in the cholopies, the same flesh, the same bones ... "
All satires have a double title: the first part is “To ...” (to whom it is addressed), the second part reveals the meaning. Satire begins with an appeal, then a gallery of satirical portraits, images. In conclusion, the author's reasoning.
The language is simple, K. wanted to be understood. Vernaculars, proverbs, sayings (I remember: “Cover your head with a hood, beard with a beard)). Portrait painting, domestic scenes. Influence of folklore. Appeal to real people. Belinsky wrote that K. "by some happy instinct brought poetry to life" (an appeal to reality).
As I said something earlier, the main idea of ​​the satire "Filaret and Eugene" is the equality of all people. There is a dialogue between Eugene, a nobleman, and Filaret, "a lover of virtue." Eugene says that his family comes almost from Princess Olga, and therefore he is cool, and Filaret - “Adam did not give birth to nobles”, peace to you, brothers and sisters, etc.
It was too lazy to re-read the satire “On Education”, the pleasure is doubtful, the meaning is that the author is crucifying that who he is, they say, such (“I have not yet seen the return of winter in my thirtieth, not a single blackish hair on my head turns gray”), so that to teach the old, the wise by experience. By the way, he runs into the fact that they pray, fast (!) And do not sleep with his wife. In fact, of course, he means that you need to be progressive and listen to Peter, and not those who “could save a little three teeth behind their lips”, “who remembers the pestilence in Moscow” ...

Antioch Dmitrievich Cantemir was born in the family of a Moldavian ruler, or ruler, in 1708. The writer's father Dmitry Konstantinovich entered into an alliance with Peter I, seeking to free his country from the Turkish yoke. But the Prut campaign of 1711 was unsuccessful, as a result of which the family left sunny Moldova forever and moved to Russia.

Antioch knew Italian, Greek, Latin, English and French from childhood, and Russian was his native language from infancy.

Since 1725 Cantemir was on military service, but the main occupation for him at that time was literary activity: he read and translated a lot, composed love songs. From 1729, he became known as the author of poetic satires, politically evil and accurate in purpose, although none of them were printed during the author's lifetime: they were distributed in lists and were very popular.

In 1730, Cantemir began to write the epic poem "Petris" dedicated to Peter I, which was never completed.

At the same time, he translated the book of the French writer B. Fontenelle "Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds", which outlined scientific ideas that many churchmen considered seditious. The translation was not printed for a long time, it was published only in 1740.

Already the first satire of Cantemir attracted the attention of Archbishop Feofan Prokopovich, who was an active associate of Peter I and always supported his reforms in his sermons. Subsequently, Kantemir became close to Feofan's "scientific squad" - a circle of the most educated people of his time, among whom was, in particular, the historian V. M. Tatishchev.

Like Feofan Prokopovich, Kantemir took an active part in the events of 1730, accompanying the enthronement of Anna Ioannovna. However, disappointment soon came, as Antiochus and his friends became convinced that the empress did not seek to continue the reforms of Peter II, in particular his educational activities.

In 1731 Kantemir was appointed Russian ambassador to London and left Russia forever. From 1738 he, also as ambassador, was in Paris. Cantemir does not leave his literary studies abroad, he continues to write: he composed three new satires; significantly reworked the text of the first five, created back in Russia; translated Anacreon and Horace, conducted extensive correspondence.

He wrote a treatise "Letter from Khariton Makentin to a friend about the composition of Russian poetry", composing the author's name from the letters of his own name and surname.

It was a response to the publication in 1735 of a treatise by V.K. Trediakovsky A new and concise way to compose Russian poetry. Kantemir discussed issues of Russian versification, defending the syllabic principle based on the same number of syllables, but considered it necessary to rhythmize the verse with the help of a caesura - a pause between a line. It is with this verse that his satires are written in a revised edition.

A. Cantemir repeatedly tried to print his satires. But they were first published only after his death, in 1749, and translated into French. In Russia, the satires of Kantemir became available to readers only in 1762.

Satire I on those who blaspheme the doctrine, created in 1729, is called "To your own mind." The author "glorifies" ignorance and stupidity, explaining that all problems and misfortunes come from the mind.

Satire begins with an appeal to the mind, so that it does not work in vain, because glory and honor can be achieved without sweating and without exhausting yourself with work. On the contrary, it is bad for those who work in this world, everyone abhors them:

Who bends over the table

Staring at the book of the eye, big will not achieve

Chambers, nor adorned with marble gardens;

He will not add a sheep to his father's flock.

True, there is hope in our young monarch

A lot of Muses rise, with shame the ignoramus Runs away from him.

And sadly adds:

But that trouble: many in the king praise

For fear is that which in the subject is impudently condemned.

After evaluating the role of the king in the development of sciences and art, Cantemir’s gaze turns to the church and the attitude of society towards it, including scientists:

The schisms and heresies of science are children;

Lies more, who was given more understanding;

He who melts over a book comes to godlessness...

Parishioners no longer just listen to sermons in church, but read the Bible themselves and

They interpret everything, they want to know the reason, the reason,

Giving little faith to the sacred order.

Another fault of science is revealed. Silvan believes that the teaching causes hunger, because before, "not knowing Latin", they lived

Much more abundant than we live now;

Much in ignorance more bread was reaped;

Having adopted a foreign language, they lost their bread.

And there is no point in trying to understand the essence and cause of things and phenomena, because a penny will not grow from this, it is impossible to find out how much the butler and clerk steal, how to add water or the number of barrels from the winery. Knowledge of the properties of ores, "the difference between gold, silver, copper", herbs and diseases - all this is a lie.

Why count the stars for no reason,

By the way, for one night you can’t sleep whole as a stain,

Behind curiosity alone lose peace,

Seeking, is the sun moving, or are we with the earth?

Why, if the chapel says "the day of the month and the hour of sunrise" /

We can divide the earth into quarters without Euclid, without algebra we know how many kopecks are in a ruble.

Silvanus praises only knowledge:

What teaches to multiply income and expenses is small.

Why work hard if it doesn't make your pocket fat? It's just harmful insanity.

Silvana is sung by the ruddy Luke:

Science destroys the commonwealth of people.

You should not leave the company of friends for the sake of books, because we must spend our lives in fun and feasts, since “wine is a divine gift”, it brings people together, gives a reason and topic for conversation, amuses, removes heavy thoughts, encourages the weak, softens the cruel, sullenness takes away, lovers unite. But how long to live in silence and idleness? After all, folk wisdom says: "Cause - time, and fun - an hour." But, alas, the author is not at all going to lead a sober and righteous life:

When they begin to lead the reins across the sky,

And from the surface of the earth the stars will already glimpse,

When swift rivers flow to their springs

And the past centuries will return,

When the black man eats alone in fasting, he becomes a vyazig,

Then, leaving the glass, I will take up the book.

And Medor is upset that a lot of paper is spent on writing and printing books, that a pound of good powder does not replace Seneca, and Virgil and Cicero are valued cheaper than a shoemaker and a tailor.

On the other hand, the “dandy, the miser, the hypocrite” viciously scold science, smart people have the right not to listen to them, but, on the contrary, these speeches have sunk into their souls, and few people love the truth.

You can be a bishop - you don’t need a lot of mind for this: get into a cassock, hang a cross on your body, “cover your head with a hood, your belly with a beard” and bless everyone right and left. And most importantly - take care of the income of the church.

If you want to be a judge, put on a wig and scold everyone who came empty-handed. You can sleep during the process. Forget about the law, statutes, rights; the main thing is to "strengthen the sentences" without sympathizing with anyone.

The Golden Age has not reached the generation to our time;

Pride, laziness, wealth, wisdom prevailed.

And now ignorance has risen above science, it “prouds under a miter, walks in an embroidered dress”, sits in court, commands regiments. And science is “tattered, sheathed in rags”, expelled from homes, they don’t want to know it, they don’t make friends.

Everyone screams:

We do not see any fruit from science,

Scientists though the head is full - hands are empty.

In society, one who plays cards, knows fine wines, dances, and dresses with taste is valued. He is young

The breath of years imagines itself worthy of the seven wise men. Others, even those who know some elements of science, grumble at life because they have not achieved anything in it: a churchman did not become a bishop, a warrior did not become a commander, a scribe did not become a lawyer. But someone who has seven boyars in his family and owns two thousand palaces does not need to be able to read and write at all. The satire ends with an appeal to the mind:

Such are hearing words and seeing examples,

Be silent, mind, do not be bored, sitting in obscurity.

The knowledge that wisdom has given you, keep in yourself and talk to yourself about the benefits of the sciences; if you decide to tell the world about it, then instead of praises you can “get an evil blasphemy”, that is, a censure from other people for bold and reasonable thoughts.

Cantemir was one of the creators of the new literature. The “satires” by N. Boileau served as a model of the genre for him, but in terms of content and problems, his work is connected with Russian reality and the domestic satirical tradition. Like his predecessors, Cantemir wrote in syllabic verse, he was not afraid to use colloquial words and expressions. He truthfully and authentically depicted the life and customs of his era.

The satirist ridiculed priests and boyars who were afraid of enlightenment, opponents of Peter's reforms, and boldly condemned these noble loafers who "boast of nobility alone", but cannot boast of "good deeds"